
Energy Procurement
Energy Procurement

Choosing a business electricity or gas supplier can be time consuming, overwhelming and expensive – if you make the wrong choice. Here we explain the basics and how, as Energy procurement specialists, we can help.
The energy suppliers (E-on, Npower, British Gas etc.) buy their energy from the market at a wholesale price. These suppliers will then create “tariffs” or price structures for different types of supplies, and it is these prices that you will be quoted by them when you look for their best deal.
Which Tariff?
There are hundreds of different types of electricity tariff available as there are so many different types of supply, less so for gas as there are few variables in its supply to your premises.
These tariffs will only last for a certain period of time and when the wholesale price moves so the tariffs will change. In the most volatile periods tariffs can change daily, so delaying in making decisions really can cost you and your business money.
As you can see the numbers of tariffs is almost unavoidable, and the movement of the prices make the market a moving feast. This means that undertaking a full review of your business energy supplies without specialist help can make it almost impossible to ensure you really do have the right deal to match your circumstances.
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