
Bill resolution
Are you sure your bills are accurate?

One phone bill can have up to 300 different prices on it representing calls made to numerous locations, line rental, and peripheral services that you get from your telecoms supplier. It is no wonder that so many businesses mistrust their telecoms supplier and what they charge.
If just one element of your bill is wrong and the error is not spotted then the cumulative overspend can grow very quickly. Likewise if your supplier alters your rates without advising you or, their billing software has a glitch or, you keep being charged on lines you no longer have, then the issue is the same – a large overspend that could be missed and never reclaimed.
BDG URS offer our clients a bill resolution service whereby we will check your current and past bills to see if the terms agreed in your contract with your supplier have been adhered to. If there have been any errors then we will calculate the amount due back to you and, under your authority, we will reclaim this for you from your supplier.
If there are no errors then we will give you a clean bill of health, with no charge for our time.
Should we be successful in highlighting and reclaiming an overpayment for you then we will charge you 35% of the amount reclaimed as our fee for doing so.
Contact us today to see if we can help you. If you feel that your bills are too high or you cannot understand how a bill is being calculated then we can help. All we will require from you are copies of your bills, a copy of your supplier agreement, and a signed letter of authority.
At the very least you will get peace of mind if no overpayment is found, and that won’t cost you a penny!
Call us today and start saving
+44 (0)207 030 4907
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