
Trade bodies
Membership benefit schemes

If you are involved in running a trade body or business network you will be more than aware that there is a lot of competition out there to attract businesses to join a membership organisation. Trade Association, Chamber of Commerce, local business club, industry focus group – the list goes on.
The basis of all these types of membership arrangements is the same, provide a valuable service in return for an affordable annual membership fee.
But with all this competition for a business’s hard earned money as a subscription how do you make sure that your own membership is the one they plump for?
The answer is to make their membership so valuable that they would be foolish to both take it out and then retain it for years to come.
That is where BDG URS comes in. We, here at BDG URS, have a track record of enhancing membership benefits by the addition of our “free to use” energy management and review service that saves both time and money for your members, enhancing both their business and the value of your membership at the same time.
Our existing partnerships are quite diverse from small niche trade associations with several hundred members up to national sector wide trade bodies with tens of thousands of members. However, regardless of size we offer the same quality service to the members of all our trade partners, making our offering easy for them to promote out.
See below for some testimonials of both our trade partners and their members to show you what you could add to your own member services. Please contact us for further details of how our service could help you.
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